

Jack McKown

Jack has lived abroad, lived aboard, and lived abruptly! He's currently residing in Austin, TX and works as a composer for media. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio in music composition, and is seeking a Masters from Berklee College of Music, planning to graduate in July 2022.

In the Abbey

Sunrises can be pleasant, after all.

The hoooomans are moooootating, from “Cow Aliens”

Electro-space Frontiers, Inc.

Slink this way, daddy-o

Excerpt from Depth, mvmt. 3 – of crowbars, neanderthals, and bliss


Makes You a Dull Boy

Unsettled Banging In the Depths

At 30,000 feet… deep.

Jack McKown —Composer — Musician — Artist—